Category Archives: 8th Grade

Grade 8 – The Islamic World

The week of March 9 to 13, 2015

Monday – Review Middle East Geography, People, Places and Change, pages 406 to 415.

Tuesday – Birth of Islam

Wednesday – Mohmed

Glencoe World History, Chapter 6, Section 1 Assessment, page 194, 1-7, DUE Monday, March 16, 2015.

Thursday – ALL SCHOOL YEARBOOK PICTURE at 8:00 a.m.

Pilgrimage to Mecca, Glencoe World History, page 195.

Friday – HOLIDAY ~ Spring Break

Grade 8 – Rome and Religion

The week of February 23 to 27, 2015.

Monday – Computer Lab

Tuesday – The development of Christianity

Wednesday – Half Day/PM schedule, Section 4 Assessment due

Christianity from Judaism to Constantine: Crash Course World History #11

Thursday – The Decline and Fall of Rome

Fall of The Roman Empire…in the 15th Century: Crash Course World History #12

Friday – Section 5 Assessment due

Homework: Reread and review

Saturday – AFE

Week of March 2 to 6, 2015


Monday – Review the Glencoe website:

Tuesday – Test

Wednesday – Field trip

Thursday – Field trip

Friday – Field trip

Grade 8 – Ancient Rome

The week of February 16 to 20, 2015.

Monday – President’s Day Holiday, in honor of George Washington’s Birthday.

Tuesday – The Story of the Roman Empire: Take notes! Participation grade! Be ready for a quiz!

Grade 8, World History I, Study Questions, February 17, 2015

The Story of the Roman Empire:

  1. In 1,000 B.C. the site where Rome was to be built was what?
  2. What did the ancient Romans need to do before they could build a great city?
  3. What made Rome? A. It’s great natural harbor. B. It’s location at the crossroads of several major international trade routes. C. Romans made Rome. D. The fertile plains and great farmland around Rome that produced enough food to feed millions.
  4. The Roman acuaducts droped at what rate? A. One foot per 100 feet. B. One foot per 200 feet. C. One foot per 400 feet. D One meter per 1,000 meters.
  5. What Roman ruler transformed Rome from a city of brick to a city of marble?
  6. Name the palce where Romans got their White marble.
  7. Who built the Forum?
  8. What did the Forum contain?
  9. What happened in 64 A.D.?
  10. What technological innovation transformed Rome during Nero’s reign?
  11. What is the greatest domed building in ancient Rome?
  12. Rome was the first modern city. Explain why this is true or false.

Wednesday – QUIZ. Glencoe World History, Section 2 Assessment, page 162 1-7, DUE Wednesday, Febraury 18, 2015. The Roman Empire. Or Republic. Or…Which Was It?: Crash Course World History #10

Thursday – Culture and Society of the Roman World,  Glencoe World History, pages 163 to 168.

Section 3 Assessment, page 168 DUE Friday.

Friday – Glencoe World History, pages 164 to 167.

The influence of Greco-Roman ideas and designs on Thomas Jefferson and the United States.

Christianity from Judaism to Constantine: Crash Course World History #11

Grade 8 – Greco-Roman World

Week of February 9 to 13, 2015

The Roots of Rome

Physical Map of Italy, Italy Mountains, Italy Map, Landforms of Italy

Know the seas, mountains and rivers that were important to ancient Italy.

Monday – Geography of Italy, People, Places, and Change pages 261, 268-271

Etruscan Origins of Roman and Italy:

Tuesday – Enigma of the Etruscans, Part 1:

HOME WORK: Watch, take notes and write a summary of  Enigma of the Etruscans, Part 2:  Due Thursday, February 12, 2015.

Wednesday – The Rise of Rome, Glencoe World History, pages 148-154


What if Carthage won the Punic Wars?

HOMEWORK: Chapter 5, Section 1 Assessment page 154, 1 to 7, Due Friday, February 13, 2015.

Thursday – Due: Notes and summary of  Enigma of the Etruscans, Part 2

Ancient History Timeline:

Maps: Color map and chalk drawing

Friday – Glencoe World History, pages 155-162, Section 2 Assessment, page 162 1-7, due Wednesday, Febraury 18, 2015.


Grade 8 – Ancient Greece

January 26 to 30, 2015

Monday – Alice Kober biography due. Greek leader presentations.

Aristophanes Origin of Human Nature and Love:

Tuesday – Greek leader presentations.

Greeks Shaped Mathmatics:

What the Ancients Knew – Greece:

Athenian Democracy Solon and Cleisthenes:

Wednesday – Half day

Thursday – Greek leader presentations.

Review Ancient Greeks


Friday – Recoup 10:00 to 11:45

Greek leader presentations.

Week of February 2 to 6, 2015

Monday –  Review Ancient Greeks

Tuesday – Ancient Greek Test

Wednesday – Return tests. The Greco-Roman World.